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Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center SYSU and the Third Affiliated Hospital SYSU Have Jointly Developed the World's First Intelligent Technology for Screening Hepatobiliary Diseases through Ocular Images





Resource: State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology
Written by: State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology
Proofread by: Jiawei Wang
Edited by: Xianjing Wei






An international multidisciplinary research program led by Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (leader: Lin Haotian) and the third Affiliated Hospital (leader: Zhong Yueshi), supported by the medical artificial intelligence innovation platform, has developed the first technique and assessment system for screening hepatobiliary diseases through ocular images, which was published in the top international journal The Lancet Digital Health on January 26, 2021. 


 This research work has been highly praised by domestic and foreign peers. The Director of the Internal Medicine Department and Hepatobiliary Chief expert Professor Vijay H Shah, from the well-known medical institutions (Mayo Clinic), made a comment and praised "This is the first study to propose an entirely new role for ophthalmological imaging to serve as a screening tool for early detection of hepatobiliary disorders ".