Professor Algis J. Vingrys, PhD, BSc(Optom), PGCertOcTher, FARVO, FAAO

Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Research interests: clinical optometry, early vision loss and vision testing, age-related maculopathy, glaucoma, neural and brain disorders, telemedicine

Algis J Vingrys is a Professor in the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He specialises in clinical optometry and in researching early vision loss with eye and brain disorders. He has taught ocular pharmacology, eye infection and inflammation and glaucoma.

Prof. Vingrys undertakes clinical translation to develop tests of vision as a consultant to Medmont International on their vision tests and perimeter. Recently he has formed a company (Glance Optical P/L) for the purpose of marketing a novel and unique perimeter and vision tests on an iPad tablet platform (MRF). With the advent of COVID their company has translated the iPad software to a browser application that can be used on any computer screen in telemedicine settings distant to a clinic or hospital. The vision test can be implemented for self-monitoring of chronic eye and brain disease, with audio instructions in 11 languages that guide patients through the testing process. A presentation detailing the MRF was nominated as an ‘emerging trend and hot topic’ at the annual ARVO meeting in 2016.

Prof. Vingrys was recognised for his outstanding academic contribution to the visual welfare of the Australian community through the development of optometric knowledge by research and teaching in 2004. Later, in 2010, he received Fellowship to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, (FARVO) for his dedication and service to the vision and ophthalmic community. He has served as editorial board member for 4 international journals in vision science, optometry and ophthalmology and is a regular reviewer for such journals.

Prof. Vingrys has been a principal investigator in 9 clinical trials and published over 188 publications including: 15 invited reviews, 24 book chapters and 16 reports to government or industry including National Health & Medical Research Council (Aust) and World Glaucoma Association. Since 1990, has supervised 59 post-graduate students to PhD (30) or Masters (26) level outcomes.

For more information about Prof. Vingrys: Bui BV. Professor Algis Jonas Vingrys: optometry teacher, research collaborator and innovator. Clin Exp Optom. 2018;101(2):314-7.

Editorial Board Member of AES
Terms of Appointment: October 2021 - September 2023

Updated on October 27, 2021
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
